Save with Coupons - Clip online, redeem at any participating retailer
Walmart Canada is committed to saving Canadians money so they can live better. One of the ways we support this is by accepting vendor coupons. Here are the procedures for accepting coupons in any store at Walmart Canada:
- Multiple coupons may NOT be applied for one item.
- The item at checkout must be identical to the item on the coupon. This includes brand, packaging, weight, colour & size.
- The date on the coupon cannot be expired.
- The coupon must be valid in Canada and show a Canadian address.
- If there is a barcode, it cannot be damaged.
- Online coupons must be printed, not shown from a mobile device.
- Coupons can be redeemed at any time during the transaction.
- There is no limit to the amount of coupons per transaction however Walmart reserves the right to limit quantities where a customer attempts to use multiple coupons for multiple purchases of the same item.